Source code for csm.client

import os
import time
import warnings
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from dataclasses import dataclass
import requests
import base64
import PIL.Image
from io import BytesIO

_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 1000  # in seconds

[docs]class BackendClient: """A backend client class for raw GET/POST requests to the REST API. .. warning:: This class should not be accessed directly. Instead, use :class:`CSMClient` to interface with the API. Parameters ---------- api_key : str, optional API key for the CSM account you would like to use. If not provided, the environment variable :envvar:`CSM_API_KEY` is used instead. base_url : str Base url for the API. In general this should not be modified; it is included only for debugging purposes. """ def __init__( self, api_key=None, base_url="", ) -> None: if api_key is None: api_key = os.environ.get('CSM_API_KEY') if api_key is None: raise Exception( "The argument `api_key` must be provided when env variable " "CSM_API_KEY is not set." ) self.api_key = api_key self.base_url = base_url @property def headers(self): """Constructs and returns the HTTP headers required for API requests.""" return { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': self.api_key, } def _check_http_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> None: """Validates the HTTP response for successful status codes. Raises an error if the response indicates a failed request. Parameters ---------- response : requests.Response The HTTP response object to check. """ if not (200 <= response.status_code < 300): raise RuntimeError( f"HTTP request failed with status code {response.status_code} " f"({response.reason})" ) # image-to-3d API # -------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_image_to_3d_session( self, image_url, *, generate_preview_mesh=False, auto_refine=False, preview_model="fast_sculpt", ## refine args creativity="lowest", refine_speed="fast", polygon_count="high_poly", topology="tris", texture_resolution=2048, scaled_bbox=[], pivot_point=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], **kwargs ) -> dict: """Creates an image-to-3D conversion session. Parameters ---------- image_url : str URL of the image to convert into a 3D model. Returns ------- dict The response from the API containing session details. """ assert creativity in ["lowest", "moderate", "highest"] assert refine_speed in ["slow", "fast"] assert polygon_count in ["low_poly", "high_poly"] assert topology in ["tris", "quads"] assert preview_model in ["fast_sculpt", "turbo"] assert 128 <= texture_resolution <= 2048 parameters = { "image_url": image_url, "generate_preview_mesh": generate_preview_mesh, "creativity": creativity, "refine_speed": refine_speed, "resolution": polygon_count, "auto_refine": auto_refine, "topology": topology, "texture_resolution": texture_resolution, "manual_segmentation": False, # TODO: implement this option "pivot_point": [float(s) for s in pivot_point], "preview_mesh": preview_model, **kwargs } if len(scaled_bbox) == 3: parameters["scaled_bbox"] = [float(s) for s in scaled_bbox] response = url=f"{self.base_url}/image-to-3d-sessions", json=parameters, headers=self.headers, ) self._check_http_response(response) # expected=201 return response.json()
[docs] def get_image_to_3d_session_info(self, session_code) -> dict: """Fetches information about an existing image-to-3D session. Parameters ---------- session_code : str The session code of the image-to-3D session. Returns ------- dict The response from the API containing session details. """ response = requests.get( url=f"{self.base_url}/image-to-3d-sessions/{session_code}", headers=self.headers, ) self._check_http_response(response) # expected=200 return response.json()
[docs] def get_3d_refine(self, session_code, scaled_bbox=[], pivot_point=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) -> dict: """Requests refinement for an existing 3D model. Parameters ---------- session_code : str The session code of the 3D model to refine. Returns ------- dict The response from the API with refinement results. """ parameters = {"pivot_point": [s for s in pivot_point]} if len(scaled_bbox) == 3: parameters["scaled_bbox"] = [float(s) for s in scaled_bbox] response = url=f"{self.base_url}/image-to-3d-sessions/get-3d/refine/{session_code}", json=parameters, headers=self.headers, ) return response.json()
[docs] def get_3d_preview(self, session_code, spin_url=None, scaled_bbox=[], pivot_point=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) -> dict: """Fetches a preview of the generated 3D model. Parameters ---------- session_code : str The session code of the 3D model to preview. Returns ------- dict The response from the API with preview data. """ selected_spin_index = 0 if spin_url is None: result = self.get_image_to_3d_session_info(session_code) spin_url = result['data']['spins'][selected_spin_index]["image_url"] parameters = { "selected_spin_index": selected_spin_index, "selected_spin": spin_url, "pivot_point": [s for s in pivot_point] } if len(scaled_bbox) == 3: parameters["scaled_bbox"] = [float(s) for s in scaled_bbox] response = url=f"{self.base_url}/image-to-3d-sessions/get-3d/preview/{session_code}", json=parameters, headers=self.headers, timeout=100, ) self._check_http_response(response) # expected=200 return response.json()
# text-to-image API methods # -------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_text_to_image_session( self, prompt, style_id="", guidance=6, ) -> dict: """Creates a text-to-image session. Parameters ---------- prompt : str The text prompt for generating an image. Returns ------- dict The response from the API with session details. """ parameters = { 'prompt': str(prompt), 'style_id': str(style_id), 'guidance': str(guidance), } response = url=f"{self.base_url}/tti-sessions", json=parameters, headers=self.headers, ) self._check_http_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def get_text_to_image_session_info(self, session_code: str) -> dict: """Fetches information for an existing text-to-image session. Parameters ---------- session_code : str The session code of the text-to-image session. Returns ------- dict The response from the API with session details. """ response = requests.get( url=f"{self.base_url}/tti-sessions/{session_code}", headers=self.headers, ) self._check_http_response(response) return response.json()
[docs]@dataclass class ImageTo3DResult: """Output class for image-to-3d generation. Parameters ---------- session_code : str The image-to-3d session code. mesh_path : str Local path of the generated mesh file. """ session_code: str mesh_path: str
[docs]@dataclass class TextTo3DResult: """Output class for text-to-3d generation. Parameters ---------- session_code : str The image-to-3d session code. mesh_path : str Local path of the generated mesh file. image_path : str Local path of the image generated as part of text-to-3d. """ session_code: str mesh_path: str image_path: str
[docs]class CSMClient: """Core client utility for accessing the CSM API. Parameters ---------- api_key : str, optional API key for the CSM account you would like to use. If not provided, the environment variable :envvar:`CSM_API_KEY` is used instead. base_url : str Base url for the API. In general this should not be modified; it is included only for debugging purposes. """ def __init__( self, api_key=None, base_url="", ) -> None: self.backend = BackendClient(api_key=api_key, base_url=base_url) def _handle_image_input(self, image) -> str: """Handles image input by converting it to a base64-encoded string. Parameters ---------- image : str or PIL.Image.Image The input image, either as a file path, URL, or PIL Image. Returns ------- str or PIL.Image.Image The base64 encoded string if local or PIL image, else image URL. """ if isinstance(image, str): if os.path.isfile(image): # local file path image_path = image pil_image = else: # URL for a web file image_url = image return image_url # TODO: verify that this is a valid URL elif isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image): pil_image = image else: raise ValueError(f"Encountered unexpected type for the input image.") return pil_image_to_x64(pil_image)
[docs] def image_to_3d( self, image, *, generate_spin_video=False, mesh_format='obj', output='./', timeout=_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, verbose=True, scaled_bbox=[], pivot_point=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], refine_speed="fast", preview_model="fast_sculpt", **kwargs ) -> ImageTo3DResult: """Generate a 3D mesh from an image. The input image can be provided as a URL, a local path, or a :class:`PIL.Image.Image`. Parameters ---------- image : str or PIL.Image.Image The input image. May be provided as a URL, a local file path, or a :class:`PIL.Image.Image` instance to be converted into a 3D mesh. generate_spin_video : bool, optional If True, a spin video of the generated 3D mesh is created. Defaults to False. mesh_format : str, optional The format of the output 3D mesh file. Choices are 'obj', 'glb', or 'usdz'. Defaults to 'obj'. output : str, optional The directory path where output files (mesh and video, if generated) will be saved. Defaults to the current directory. timeout : int, optional The maximum time (in seconds) to wait for the 3D mesh generation. Defaults to 200 seconds. verbose : bool, optional If True, outputs detailed progress information. Defaults to True. scaled_bbox : list, optional A 3-element list specifying the scaled bounding box for the generated 3D model. Defaults to an empty list, meaning no custom bounding box. pivot_point : list, optional A 3-element list specifying the pivot point for the 3D model's orientation. Defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]. refine_speed : str, optional The refinement speed for the model generation process. Choices are 'fast' or 'slow'. Defaults to 'fast'. preview_model : str, optional The preview model type to use during 3D mesh creation. Choices are 'fast_sculpt' or 'turbo'. Defaults to 'fast_sculpt'. Returns ------- ImageTo3DResult Result object. Contains the local path of the generated mesh file and session code. """ if generate_spin_video: warnings.warn( "The option `generate_spin_video=True` is deprecated and will be removed " "in a future release", DeprecationWarning) mesh_format = mesh_format.lower() if mesh_format not in ['obj', 'glb', 'usdz']: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected mesh_format value ('{mesh_format}'). Please choose " f"from options ['obj', 'glb', 'usdz']." ) image_url = self._handle_image_input(image) os.makedirs(output, exist_ok=True) # initialize session result = self.backend.create_image_to_3d_session( image_url, generate_preview_mesh=not generate_spin_video, auto_refine=False, preview_model=preview_model, scaled_bbox=scaled_bbox, pivot_point=pivot_point, refine_speed=refine_speed, **kwargs ) status = result['data']['status'] if ( (generate_spin_video and status not in ["spin_generate_processing", "spin_generate_done"]) or (not generate_spin_video and status not in ["training_preview", "preview_done"]) ): raise RuntimeError(f"Image-to-3d session creation failed (status='{status}')") session_code = result['data']['session_code'] step_label = "spin generation" if generate_spin_video else "mesh generation" if verbose: print(f'[INFO] Image-to-3d session created ({session_code})') if generate_spin_video: if verbose: print(f'[INFO] Running preview {step_label}...') # wait for preview spin generation to complete (20-30s) start_time = time.time() run_time = 0. while True: time.sleep(2) result = self.backend.get_image_to_3d_session_info(session_code) status = result['data']['status'] if status == 'spin_generate_done': break elif status == 'spin_generate_failed': raise RuntimeError(f"Preview {step_label} failed") elif status != 'spin_generate_processing': raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected error during preview {step_label} (status='{status}')") run_time = time.time() - start_time if run_time >= timeout: raise RuntimeError(f"Preview {step_label} timed out") if verbose: print(f'[INFO] Preview {step_label} completed in {run_time:.1f}s') spin_url = result['data']['spins'][0]["image_url"] # launch preview mesh export result = self.backend.get_3d_preview( session_code, spin_url=spin_url, scaled_bbox=scaled_bbox, pivot_point=pivot_point ) step_label = "mesh export" if verbose: print(f'[INFO] Running preview {step_label}...') # wait for preview mesh export to complete (20-30s) start_time = time.time() run_time = 0. while True: time.sleep(2) result = self.backend.get_image_to_3d_session_info(session_code) status = result['data']['status'] if status == 'preview_done': break elif status == 'preview_failed': raise RuntimeError(f"Preview {step_label} failed.") run_time = time.time() - start_time if run_time >= timeout: raise RuntimeError(f"Preview {step_label} timed out") if verbose: print(f'[INFO] Preview {step_label} completed in {run_time:.1f}s') # download mesh file based on the requested format if mesh_format == 'obj': mesh_url = result['data']['preview_mesh_url_zip'] mesh_file = 'mesh.obj' if preview_model == 'fast_sculpt' else '' elif mesh_format == 'glb': mesh_url = result['data']['preview_mesh_url_glb'] mesh_file = 'mesh.glb' elif mesh_format == 'usdz': mesh_url = result['data']['preview_mesh_url_usdz'] mesh_file = 'mesh.usdz' else: raise ValueError(f"Encountered unexpected mesh_format value ('{mesh_format}').") mesh_path = os.path.join(output, mesh_file) # TODO: os.path.abspath ? urlretrieve(mesh_url, mesh_path) return ImageTo3DResult(session_code=session_code, mesh_path=mesh_path)
[docs] def text_to_3d( self, prompt, *, style_id="", guidance=6, generate_spin_video=False, mesh_format='obj', output='./', timeout=_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, verbose=True, scaled_bbox=[], pivot_point=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], refine_speed="fast", preview_model="fast_sculpt", **kwargs ) -> TextTo3DResult: """Generate a 3D mesh from a text prompt. Parameters ---------- prompt : str The input text prompt to generate a 3D model based on text description. style_id : str, optional The style ID that influences the visual characteristics of the generated model. Defaults to an empty string, meaning no specific style is applied. guidance : int, optional A parameter that adjusts guidance strength, affecting how closely the generation follows the input text. Default is 6. generate_spin_video : bool, optional If True, a spin video of the generated 3D mesh is created. Defaults to False. mesh_format : str, optional The format of the output 3D mesh file. Choices are 'obj', 'glb', or 'usdz'. Defaults to 'obj'. output : str, optional The directory path where output files (mesh and video, if generated) will be saved. Defaults to the current directory. timeout : int, optional The maximum time (in seconds) to wait for the 3D mesh generation. Defaults to 200 seconds. verbose : bool, optional If True, outputs detailed progress information. Defaults to True. scaled_bbox : list, optional A 3-element list specifying the scaled bounding box for the generated 3D model. Defaults to an empty list, meaning no custom bounding box. pivot_point : list, optional A 3-element list specifying the pivot point for the 3D model's orientation. Defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]. refine_speed : str, optional The refinement speed for the model generation process. Choices are 'fast' or 'slow'. Defaults to 'fast'. preview_model : str, optional The preview model type to use during 3D mesh creation. Choices are 'fast_sculpt' or 'turbo'. Defaults to 'fast_sculpt'. Returns ------- TextTo3DResult Result object. Contains the local path of the generated mesh file, as well as the image generated as part of the pipeline, and session code. """ os.makedirs(output, exist_ok=True) # initialize text-to-image session result = self.backend.create_text_to_image_session( prompt, style_id=style_id, guidance=guidance, ) status = result['data']['status'] if status != "processing" and status != "completed": raise RuntimeError(f"Text-to-image session creation failed (status='{status}')") session_code = result['data']['session_code'] if verbose: print(f'[INFO] Text-to-image session created ({session_code})') print(f'[INFO] Running text-to-image generation...') # wait for image generation to complete start_time = time.time() run_time = 0. while True: time.sleep(2) result = self.backend.get_text_to_image_session_info(session_code) status = result['data']['status'] if status == 'completed': break elif status != 'processing': raise RuntimeError(f"Unexpected error during text-to-image generation (status='{status}')") run_time = time.time() - start_time if run_time >= timeout: raise RuntimeError("Text-to-image generation timed out") if verbose: print(f'[INFO] Text-to-image generation completed in {run_time:.1f}s') # access the image URL image_url = result['data']['image_url'] # download image image_path = os.path.join(output, 'image.png') urlretrieve(image_url, image_path) # launch image-to-3d i23 = self.image_to_3d( image_url, generate_spin_video=generate_spin_video, mesh_format=mesh_format, output=output, timeout=timeout, verbose=verbose, scaled_bbox=scaled_bbox, pivot_point=pivot_point, refine_speed=refine_speed, preview_model=preview_model, **kwargs ) return TextTo3DResult(session_code=i23.session_code, mesh_path=i23.mesh_path, image_path=image_path)
def pil_image_to_x64(image: PIL.Image.Image) -> str: """Converts a PIL.Image.Image to a base64-encoded PNG string. Parameters ---------- image : PIL.Image.Image The image to convert. Returns ------- str The base64 encoded image string. """ buffer = BytesIO(), "PNG") x64 = buffer.getvalue() return 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64.b64encode(x64).decode("utf-8")